I finally decided to splurge on a new bicycle (pictured below). Some may say that cycling is in my blood. When I was a baby my mother had a contraption that attached to her bicycle that allowed me to sit behind her when she was riding around town, once my sister and I were toddlers my parents purchased a trailer that would carry me and my sister around behind the bike. My mother's father also is a cycling enthusiast who used to ride 60 miles to the coast of California from his home every weekend, and also participated in many rides across the state of Iowa. I have been a running frequently at the trinity trails that are about a mile from my house by the Trinity River. I would run the two mile loop and every time a biker flew past me as I was struggling to breathe I thought man I wish I was that guy. Well now I am.

Yesterday was my first ride I woke up at 6am to hit the trails early since I had class from 8-4 and wanted to make it to church that night in Highland Village. I mapped out my plan on Google pedometer and it was 8 miles. I thought to myself I better plan in an escape route in case I am about to die out there. I got to the 4 mile marker no problem and thought I am sure I can make it all 8 miles. When I circled back through the zoo I hit the hill of death. I switched down to the lowest gear and stood up to start peddling. I think I might have actually been going backwards when the runner passed me (oh the irony). I decided to dismount take a drink of water and walk the bike up the rest of the hill and then ride back to my house.
This morning my friend EJ and I decided to meet up and do the 8 mile track again. He has been riding quite a bit longer than I have so he attached his trailer to his bike and pulled his son along to that I could keep up. After about 7 miles we parted ways and I headed back to the hill of death. I tried to conserve as much energy as possible, because I was going to make it up this time no matter what. Well I did.....barely and this time I actually passed to runners. Luckily the rest of the way was downhill and I coasted back home.
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